Friday, November 27, 2015

A Life of Spontaneity and Chaos

It is quite easy to lose yourself in your life...the life you so ambitiously created and have been possessively nurturing for the past years. One fine day you are talking to a new-found friend and in sharing your story you realize that you are not even that person anymore.
And while you may be perfectly happy with where your life is presently at, this realization disturbs you. Let alone wondering about existential questions like who we are and where have we come from, you are left brooding about where have you lost yourself?
A rendezvous with old friends, reading a blog from the past, watching old pictures of yourself...every single thing takes you back to a time when you were so sure what your future will be like. When everything important was yet to happen.
When you could confidently maintain that you will life on your own terms and you will love every minute of it...
But your terms can be pretty boring after a while... You may not even like your own terms once you have lived by them... You may desire for completely new terms every now and then...
Terms that could be life changing yet at the same time will reconnect you with your old self. A life path that is progressive and retrogressive at the same time... A life on terms that allow you to be you but doesn't allow you to lose yourself.
A life of spontaneity and chaos...
A life with no plans and only impulse decisions...
A life that is only meant for the callous and carefree child within you... One who never wants to grow up and be a more responsible version of you.