Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Money Money Money!

The world sure knows the value of money and yet tries hard to deny it!
It is believed that money can't buy happiness, memories and love. (But money can sure lead the way to all these!)
Even if you don't have money but you have integrity, your life is successful. (But it doesn't hurt to have money and a show of integrity!)
Money can't help you sleep at night...(But it can buy sleeping pills for you! Or better still, can provide you so many options that sleeping becomes redundant...)
If you flaunt money, you are tasteless...a Northerner(read Delhi-ite & Punjabi) in India and a Southerner in US!(But have money, you must.)
Money can't give you inner peace (But it sure can fuel some ambition and keep you young for long! After all, if you have more memories than dreams then you are nothing but old...)
Money surely isn't the best thing in the world (Yet it is gratifying to have as much of it as possible...)

Now, why would an entire specie be so mad about something as mundane as pieces of paper or in the more contemporary sense, digits in your e-bank balance? No other specie on the planet is even interested in barter...let alone finding a convenient medium of transaction. Nature gives and everyone takes graciously, the word 'transaction' is that much to them. But not us enlightened ones! We have to do things uniquely...don't we?!
And thus originated 'Money'...
Personally, I don't fancy money much... ( I can almost imagine the cynical grins of all those who are reading it) is really my color only when it comes to couture!
But the fabulous nature of money isn't lost on me either. I adore the idea of owning and purchasing and trading and hence...whatever money facilitates, I adore that. But not money in particular....
I mean, I would love to have the power of money! Never having enough of it have made me covet it quite often. Having some of it occasionally have made me appreciate its significance and being utterly without it at times have revealed to me what 'lack of inner peace is like'!!!
I could be a millionaire if fallen hair were the medium of transactions and not those green notes/shiny coins; sadly it isn't so! So the dream of money stays...
The desire to be rich and limitless is as enticing as ever. With time the (boring) significance of making money the right way does dawn upon most of us...but money still remains that sinful temptation that is not openly appreciated by society yet secretly loved by everyone.

1 comment:

  1. were the insights the sentences outside the brackets or those inside it? Well, one pointer inside the bracket has made me widely open eyed. And I guess you could have an email to that effect. LOL!!
    Take care.
