Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Dream -
He had the superpowers he always wished for...he could fly (no kryptonian side-effects), he was super strong (no boy-scout behavior and savior's syndrome), he didn't have to breathe (so water and space were pretty much accessible), he had special sixth sense...he was telekinetic and could shape-shift!
In short, he was THE-Superhero!!!

Reality -
He was just an above-average Joe. He went to school and then college like all other kids of his generation. When he was about to turn 11, he desperately waited for the letter from Hogwarts to arrive...Ofcourse it never did! Then he grew out of it.
When he was 16, on a class field trip to a nuclear reactor plant, he dearly hoped for some freak accident to happen to him...it never did, either...so he grew out of it too!

Dream -
Life had been cruel to him... His parents never appreciated his special abilities. They thought of him as something of a freak-show! He had no friends and whoever he crushed on, always liked someone else... He dreamed of a normal life but was subconsciously reliant on his powers too much to get by with life.

Reality -
His life was normal. So normal that he was eternally bored! He has parents who were always over indulgent in his life and over protective of him. He had very many friends and girls usually found him cute. He dreamed of a superhuman life...a life that was not governed by laws of nature!

Dream -
He fought the anti-social elements without any sense of obligation to a past or a person. He liked being a superhero...somewhat like Metro-man! He had no weaknesses so villains could hardly ever exhort him. And he never wanted a change of scene...he was satisfied being him.

Reality -
Ah life! He wished for it to change somehow...everything was so predictable! He hated being an above-average Joe...he hated being a pushover and he really wished that someday, somehow he will be able to deny his parents whatever they emotionally-blackmailed him into doing, against his wishes!

The Merger -
He waited and waited and finally he decided to take his life in his own hands! Now by day he was his normal boring self and by night, he went by the name of "Tap-some-Bong"...the night crusader, the friendly neighborhood superhero, the alien boy scout...nobody was any match for him. For he was not goodness embodied, he was goodness itself!
He became everything he wanted to be...
He fought aliens, monsters, zombies and mafia clans!
He dressed in spandex outfits that hid his true identity and made him feel cool!
He finally had real friends who were always there for him!
He knew who crushed on him and who missed him the most and who was his fan!
He could share whatever was on his mind and the world paid heed to it!
He developed his own isolated perfect life!
All thanx to facebook! :D


  1. loved it....ah wat dreams facebook fulfills...btw...y isnt farmville mentioned...?

  2. No idea about the fb application(?) referred here, but nice back story. It's me!!!

  3. hahaha....kamaal krti hai yar tu bhi... utilizing d complete WEHLAPAN :)
