Wednesday, December 29, 2010

When will my cheese move??? of the most feared words in the dictionary of the free spirited! Things lapsing into a routine, while desirable to many, is a horror to those who seek adventure everyday. Of course I am not talking about Captain Jack Sparrow!!! I am talking about the little Jack Sparrows inside us...the one that is unpredictable some mornings, the one that yearns for uncertainty and chaos for some part of the day, the one that knows that life is truly lived in such small daily adventures.

But what do you do when day after day you get stuck in a routine and find yourself becoming slave of habits? What when you want so much to change and you are glaringly aware of the fact that it will be a while before your "cheese" will be moved. The reference here is to a very popular book (Dunno why!) that compares our lives as complex individuals with mouse like creatures who find it crushing when their cheese is moved (changes happen around them). While one of them moves on and find "new cheese"(new meaning of life); the pathetic one stays back and merely lament and plummet into depression!

Here however, the intention is not to lament over the "moved cheese" but to seek its happening! True, its fun being comfortable with life...True, its always reassuring to get that feeling in morning "I AM IN CONTROL"...True, its awesome to laze around...
Alas, the heart yearns for something more, always!!!
For sooner or later, 'Comfort' turns to 'monotony'...
and 'lazing around' turns to 'utter boredom'!

So, one wishes for 'change'...covets transition... anticipates the adrenaline rush of many 'firsts' to come... urges the time to fly by...
Its not the inability to move on and find new cheese (MIND IT!!!)...its the obligation to live with the old cheese until it is moved...and meanwhile cherishing the sweet hope of welcoming the adventure that life will present soon...


  1. hmm lag raha hai ki u waiting for july eagerly ;P koi na next 3 months humne ahmedabad ka chappa chappa chann lena hia :)

  2. lazing around is such a heavenly feeling! routine is nothin bt findin fraction of a second amist the chaos called lyf...most of us r nt d conrol freak types - let it flow (vodka ho ya life) is our philosophy...wot say?

  3. here chaos hv bn gvng a lot of leeway 2 leisure...
    n the flow of life dsnt seem fast enuf... :P

  4. This blog reminds me of a chapter in English that we read in school. It was known as 'A wrong man in a worker's Paradise.'

    It is a story of a man who is wrongly put in that section of heaven where all the busy bees are happy and then how their lives are changed by this man's interference (moving their cheese). I don't remember the author. But it was one of the best stories that I read.

    So maybe Palak, you are searching for that wrong man in your paradise and....methinks... he is here.
