Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Mind over Matter

At times one wonders what's real and what isn't? We think something and life takes a whole new direction! We do all thats good for this world and we get zilch in return! We be everyone's friend and everyone seems hell bent on making an enemy out of us! We blame the destiny for things, this "duniya" seems mean a lot of times. Oh the cruelties one faces, while going through the passage of life!!!
Of late, I have been part of many a conversations in which I found myself negating the concept of externality of events. So obviously, this piece is not going to be any different! What if co-incidence is just a series of pre-meditated incidents arranged by some random mix of people? What if the probability of winning or losing is directly related to the intellect(or lack of it) of the parties involved? What if doing good to the people who reallllllllyyyy need it is more prudent than doing good for the world (that way there is higher probability of getting zero+ returns from good-doing)?
After all "mind over matter" is not just some far fetched idea best suited for movies and literature alone. Its a concept that many have acknowledged and adapted to for their benefits and that of others. I like to believe that whatever we get in our lives is fruit of our own strengths and weaknesses. This thought itself pumps me with such confidence and enthusiasm about life!!! Whatever I do, I get this feeling that I will be responsible for whatever good will come out of it (and if it doesn't work out,I will know what NOT to do!)
But the convenience of passing on the baton of negativity to an external force seems such an easy solution, that many of us like to keep things the naive way! Of course I remember the days when cycling my way to school I used to "pray"(!!!!) for a good grade in some test I took. And obviously I am not that old that I can' remember the times I first blamed God, destiny and more recently genes for my obesity! Blaming everything bad on forces beyond you is easy and as much I would like to condemn it, I do see the other side of it as well.
The victory of mind over everything material is not just manifested in one's ability to face all odds based on one's sole will power. Its also there in the survival instinct of every human being that is hardwired so deep in the psyche! We blame the world for our misfortunes because blaming ones own self for everything can really be crushing at times...internalizing pure glory and pride can be fuel to one's narcissistic fire but internalizing all responsibility can really kill one's buzz!!!
Therefore fascinatingly, the theory of karma (as influential as it may be), seems to be wanting in many areas. By the end of every entry I make, I end up contradicting my own beliefs. Unhealthy as it may be for a self assured and self believing individual like me on an emotional level, I am sure this exploration by expression is healthy is some obscure way.
For what is more productive than building a sound "mind" that can conquer all that "matters"?! :)


  1. luv d way u end it-mind 2 conquer al dat matters!
    dis blog reminds me of a cranberries song-
    Do you know you made me cry
    Do you know you made me die
    It is a lovely thing that we have
    It is a lovely thing that we
    It is a lovely thing, the animal
    The animal instinct
    They will never make me cry, no
    They will never make me die
    btw it also reminds me of "ext n int locus of ctrl" funda v learned in OB :D

    ryt nw...i feel survival instict dat v keep referin 2 is nothin bt 2 accept things 4 wat dey r...lot of ppl jst condition demslvs into thinkin dat dis wat dey hv is wat dey wanted al along

  2. me too loved the ending.. and ya kya baat hai .use of probability and zero+ returns... i think mera asar aaraha hia :P
    just kidding .. nice blog (which has now become my trademark ;)) and yes i can relate to it at a very personal level.. all that happens ..happens for good.. and if it is bad den i call it my experience :P chahe i blame nyone for it.. to teach me lessons wen i have no intentions to learn :) he he

  3. awesome...superb...mindblowing...the best blog u ever wrote..
