Tuesday, October 21, 2014

My dream is Me!

The sand of time is slippery yet leaves a distinctive granular, wounded trail in its wake. Every birthday is a reminder of how much you have achieved and how much you have failed to...A string of birthday party photos of years past, makes you realize the potential in you that continues to be unrealized. Somewhere along your mid 20s, you suddenly get attacked by "maturity" and life's priorities change. 

Staying fit and being comfortable in your own skin doesn't remain on the top of your list... 

Being happy gets crushed under the burden of being responsible... 

Spontaneous adventures give way to planned, risk-free trips...

And you morph into someone who keeps on getting a cryptic comment like "You have changed a lot!" from your old friends and acquaintances. Nobody ever cares to explain the perceived change and even the die-hard optimist in you lands up interpreting the worst possible meaning of this comment.

The years don't show...yet 20s are your physical prime after all...But instead of waiting like Michele Pfiefer for that 'One fine day' when your life will change as if George Clooney has entered it, why not take charge of the present and turn it into a true birthday gift?If there is anything to be learned from the showbizz, it is this - "Its never too late to get HOT!"

The universe doesn't sit around waiting for the Alchemist to realize that it is time to realize his destiny, even though it is the prime conspirator. So why would it wait for you to get on top of your game and become who you really want to be.People go to great lengths to realize their one true dream. And if you haven't realized what your dream is yet, why not make yourself the ultimate dream?

It takes patience. 

It needs effort. 

It requires dedication. 

It demands sacrifice. 

But the final prize is worth every moment that you spent in front of your mental 'Mirror of Erised'. The haunting desire of your heart shown in the mirror will one day become your reality. And that day, the sandy trail of time won't seem as corrosive as it does today. The lines of maturity will fade, the sparkle of spontaneity will return to your eyes and the flab of responsibility will ripple like toned muscles of joy!